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Creating a community of after school success

Arux partners with school districts, private school networks, community education departments and third-party providers to streamline program operations, create happier teams, and stimulate growth.

Case Studies

Arux Love

It's a slam dunk for the finance team — this is so much easier. Easy for the public, easy for the business office, easy for us. There’s a lot of minutes being saved in the day.


Little Falls Community Schools

It’s so easy to correct and view attendance. The system is very intuitive. There is more than one way to accomplish a task, and I can get to many things in multiple ways.


CARE Coordinator
Cleburne ISD

Growing the program, spending more time on the program — I can do that now. You’re freeing up time for us to do other things instead of busy paperwork 24/7.


South Lyon Community Schools

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